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Are Your Customers Really Satisfied?


By definition, a satisfied customer is a consumer that has had a desire or need successfully fulfilled. Surveys in and of themselves really do not determine how well your customer satisfaction is. The prevailing problem of surveys is that, in reality, how many customers actually fill out the survey? In addition, many consumers who are given surveys to complete are not necessarily completing them at exactly the time the survey sheet was given to them. How do you know if they are giving the correct emotion that they felt at the exact time that the transaction transpired? In reality, a customer is really not reacting to the business itself when they fill out a survey. They are reacting to the person or entity within the business that helped them.


The true measure of customer satisfaction comes from the people that make up your business. They are the authentic source, the true measure, of “Customer Satisfaction.” This is why investing in your employees can just about ensure that a good grade in the “customer satisfaction” standings will be met. Make sure that your employees are satisfied first so that they will end up doing a job that they take pride in. In effect, you want your employees to refer to your business as well as their job as “we” rather than “they.” The goal is to get your personnel to think “we” and not “me” or “them” so that reactions will be better toward the consumer. In truth, Isaac Newton’s law, “to every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction,” should be an integral part of your business to ensure that customer satisfaction is achieved. 


Therefore, investing in your employees and creating programs that increases as well as maintains motivation within the company itself can, even though at times it will be difficult, make sure that your customers will be treated with the upmost respect. If you respect your employees, your employees will respect your customers in turn.


Some perspectives on building customer satisfaction and then the all-important customer loyalty include:


·       Hire the best and most qualified staff that the company’s budget allows. These employees should be trained completely, and should receive ongoing training. Knowledge about existing and new products will enable customers to receive the best possible care. Every single consumer in the world doesn’t like to hear “I don’t know” when there is a problem.

·       In addition, when it comes to your customers, reward your best ones accordingly. Frequent purchases of an item could possibly be offered at a discount, or a coupon, per-se, could be given to a long-standing customer for, let’s say, 10% off the next purchase of such and such item.

·       Effective and exceptional customer service, which will invariably lead to satisfied as well as loyal customers, entails treating a customer’s problems as if they were your own – even if the resolution of the problem ends up costing you more money.

·       Another not well-utilized aspect is that your company may even be able to “fix” problems with a competitor’s product. In this way, you will actually end up with the opportunity to switch a consumer’s allegiance to your company.


In effect, there are many ways to obtain customer satisfaction. These include treating your employees with respect, making your employees part of the “family” at large, rewarding your best customers and offer problem solving skills that your competitors may not be able to meet.


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Written specifically for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected worldwide. All rights reserved.

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