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Management Articles Index The use of these articles are for our clients only. You must have permission from Sorrell Associates to use these articles in any format. We add articles to this page constantly. With over 4000 articles currently in our archive it will take some time to get them on this page. Keep checking back. Want to submit an article? Click Here
M101 Are You An Effective Manager?
ou may have been managing people for years. You think that you know the ins and outs of managing people and running your department, but your boss says that you aren't meeting the company goals. You're cautioned to "get it (budget) in line or else." You think, " I am doing fine…the boss is being unrealistic." – continued…. Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M102 Do You Know Your Employees?
f you want to increase the motivation among the people that work for you, you need to know what motivates them. Answer these questions for each employee. She _______________ working under pressure. _________________ excites him about…. Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M103 A SUDDEN CHANGE Recently I was notified about a new assignment. I was not happy about it and I told my boss. Usually I wear jeans and causal shirts to work because we have a very lax dress code, but for some reason I decided to wear a sports jacket and tie on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, the boss called me into his office to discuss the upcoming job and my feelings about the company. Gradually it dawned on me that he thought I was interviewing because of my abrupt change in attire. Looks like I might get pay a raise. This week I'm going to wear a suit, polish my shoes, and go home early just to clinch it. Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M104 QUALITY BASHING Here are three keys to effective quality management programs: 1) Customize the program to your specific situation. Descriptions of the successes of others don't cover the small key changes which often make a difference in culture, morale, and procedures. Don't clone somebody else's program. 2) Tie your program to your... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M105 CONFERENCE EVALUATIONS If you have conferences, remember to gather input from the attendees, so that you can improve. Feedback can be gathered at several levels. The first is affective reaction. How satisfied... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M106 Managing Change Facing change, a group divides into three factions — those for it, those against it and the fence sitters. Which group should you encourage? Answer: Spend your time with those who already favor it... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M107 Dealing Deadline Dawdling If a co-worker often fails to deliver what you need to complete a project on time, try to correct the problem with these approaches: Assign the person an earlier deadline than you give others. But even though you’ve built in a time cushion, don’t treat this deadline any differently than others. Example: Send... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M108 TELL EMPLOYEES EVERYTHING When Jack Stack (author of The Great Game of Business) was asked by a local hotel manager how to improve his hotel's margins, Jack asked him what occupancy rate he needed. His answer: 68%. Then Jack asked him how many of his... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M109 Reduce Your Customers' Stress
ou've heard about studies that have shown that the average person is under great stress these days. Try thinking about your interactions with them in that light. Does everything you Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M110 THE TOP 10 WAYS TO EDUCATE ANOTHER PERSON. 1. Sharing stories, anecdotes, parables. 2. Delivering messages with an Edge/Hook to them. 3. Demonstrating and then role-playing a technique or skill. 4. Asking good questions. 5. Being a model of what you... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M111 When you must say "you're wrong" Telling people that they’re wrong won’t win them over. In fact, it will only make them defensive. But you might convince others that they’re wrong if you say "That’s a good point. And it would be a legitimate concern if ..." Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M112 When Members Form Cliques Team members cluster in subgroups for any number of reasons. Common interests, shared projects, or even work-style similarities can cause people to band together. But cliques can make others feel excluded or create opposing coalitions that destroy consensus. If your team members have formed entrenched cliques, you should: 1. Determine if cliques are affecting the team. If people... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M113 VALUABLE MANAGEMENT SKILLS Here are the six skills people want most from new hires. These skills would also be beneficial for advancing in your present job. 1) Public speaking. 2) Financial management. 3) People management. 4) Interviewing... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M114 The Top 10 Tips for Working with Difficult People Dealing with difficult people is ...well, difficult for most of us. Hostile and aggressive people put us on the defensive, cause us anxiety, frustrate our coping skills, and take us out of our comfort zones. Here are 10 tips for diffusing aggressive behavior and getting your needs met. 1. Set strong boundaries. Let the aggressor know that there are certain types of behaviors and actions that are unacceptable to you. For example, let them know that you will not accept/allow profanity in your conversations. 2. Defer discussions. When a situation is escalating and both parties are upset with each other is not a good time to reach resolution of a conflict or... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M115 Management Idea on Communications Food For Thought If you want your people to focus on performance, you've got to figure out an effective way to tell them how the company is doing. Jay Johnson lets his people's palates do the talking. Every month, he holds a communication session for the 70 employees of Crest Microfilm Inc., in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. If it's been a so-so month, he orders pizza and soft drinks. But if the company has done well, he lets the employees... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M116 Supervisors – Managers - Leaders Include Learners in Training and Development Planning The learner will get the most out of the plan if he or she feels strong ownership in the plan. Ownership comes from taking part in developing the plan. Also, professional development rarely includes only gaining knowledge and skills about a job role. Professional development often includes self-development, as well, e.g., admitting one's limits and capabilities. Learners are often the best experts at realizing their own needs for self-development. Therefore, learners should be involved in as much as possible in developing the plan. Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M117 Supervisors – Managers - Leaders When Assessing Results of Employee's Learning, Maximize Feedback About Performance Consider getting feedback from the learner's peers and subordinates about the learner's needs and progress to meet those needs. A 360-degree performance review is a powerful practice when carried out with clarity and discretion. When first carried out, it may be wise to get the help of an outside professional. Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M118 Managing through goal setting Unless you know what you want to achieve, there's no way to measure how close you are to achieving that objective. Goals give you a standard against which to measure your progress. The goals you set for accomplishing the company's/department's mission must be in line with the vision and what your company wants you to do. If what you plan to achieve for your job, department, or team isn’t coordinated with the goals of your organization, you'll waste your time and energy. Goals are the foundation of motivational programs. By reaching toward your goals, you become motivated, and by knowing the goals of your team members and helping them reach those goals, you help to motivate them. The process of setting goals takes... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M119 Are You An Effective Manager? You may have been managing people for years. You think that you know the ins and outs of managing people and running your department, but your boss says that you aren't meeting the company goals. You're cautioned to "get it (budget) in line or else." You think, " I am doing fine…the boss is being unrealistic." Or perhaps you've just been promoted to your first supervisory position. Your boss calls you in on Thursday, tells you how good of a job you are doing, shakes your hand, and tells you that starting Monday that you are in charge. No training, no guidance, just "do it." It's great to get a promotion, but don't you wish you could have some training to be able to motivate others to do what you had done so well? To be able to deal with the people in this new position? Your role as manager/supervisor is critical to organizational success. You are... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M120 Don't Be Afraid To Say No You can't do everything. At times you get so bogged down with daily activities that it is simply impossible to take on another project. How can you say no diplomatically? Sometimes you can't. The project may have a high priority and have to be completed. Take a look at your other projects and see if any can be delegated or temporarily set aside. You may have some projects ahead of schedule and can afford to postpone them or some that are just not as important. Talk with your boss to see if he/she has any suggestions on which projects can be.. Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M121 Managing By Walking Around This is not a new concept but one that seems to have been forgotten. As I work with companies to help them enhance their management capabilities I am surprised to see how few managers are actually walking around. We keep getting caught up in paper work, (or at least that is an excuse) and not taking the time to see what our associates, staff, employees, and team members are doing. It is not just walking around either. It is what you do when you walk around. Patrick made a practice of walking around the factory floor and stopping to speak to some of his employees-usually the same people whom he had... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M122 Managing Change With Personalities
t’s a mistake to expect everyone to react to change in the same way. Instead, say consultants Kathy Kolbe and Jim Woodford, it makes more sense to benefit from what Kolbe calls the instinct-based actions of these four personalities: 1. Fact-finders need to investigate and process information. 2. Follow-throughs want a sense of order. 3. Quick-starts welcome innovation and risk. 4. Implementors... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M123 Light employees’ creativity fire
ant to re-energize your employees? Give them new challenges without changing their jobs. Here’s how it’s done at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, N.C.: · Create small, quick projects so employees grapple with tough issues and propose realistic solutions. Example: If recruiting is a problem, have employees organize college job fairs where they explain the company’s goals and their jobs. · Assign projects employees would rather not do. Example: Have them handle all customer complaints for the current quarter. Reason: They’ll learn skills that could help them with a crisis later. · Make presentation and analysis part of a project to develop strategic thinking skills. Examples: Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M124 Discipline Checklist
hen having to deal with an employee who is not performing according to company policy, here is a checklist that may help keep you on track as well as keep your emotions in check. q Know the rules. Follow your organization's discipline system. q Avoid sudden decisions made in anger. q Do not terminate or threaten termination... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M125 The Best Manager The following are the top five traits every manager should practice. As a leader, basic necessities such as organizational and communication skills and an influential personality are given expectations. These are characteristics that too many in power often lack. 1) GO WHERE THEY ARE A good manager will know that to get the support from his/her workers will require the effort to work WITH them in order to achieve the level of success desired. Expecting someone to be at a level they cannot achieve only decreases employees self-esteem and thus, the morale of the company. 2) KNOW YOUR EMPLOYEES Allow yourself the opportunity to develop Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M126 The Effects Of Change On The Manager One of the least mentioned effects of change relates to how it affects the manager leading that change, and his or her ability to undertake the leadership role. We have already talked about the effects of change on the individual employee, and of course managers are subject to the same reactions, resistances and strains. Some types of change, such as restructuring, or downsizing can put considerable strain on the leaders of an organization. Stress, Stress & More Stress One primary... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M127 The Top 10 Things That Make A Good Manager How to become the boss everyone loves to praise, rather than the boss everyone loves to hate! 1. Acknowledge your staff. When a member of staff does a job well, make sure you notice it, and acknowledge her or him for it. Don't let the opportunity to praise a piece of good work go by. 2. Never, ever, humiliate anyone on your staff team. If you are annoyed with someone on your team, or they have... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M128 Diversity Defined
Diversity is defined as having differences. These differences may range from personal preferences such as being a vegetarian to physical limitations such as limited visual or hearing. Yet, a recent national survey suggest that most define diversity as either having racial or cultural differences. To embrace a more global definition of diversity, try incorporating these ideas in your corporate culture: · Keep an open mind to all individuals and their ideas... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M129 Delegating Without Fear You don't have to be afraid of delegating work to others if you follow these principles. Make Appropriate Assignments You know the capabilities of each of your associates. When you plan their assignments, consider which person can do which job most effectively and efficiently. Making Sure That Your Instructions Are Understood After you give detailed instructions to one of your team members, your usual question is probably "Do you understand?" and their usual answer is "Yes". But do they really understand? Maybe....Maybe not! Or maybe that person just thinks they understand and they may not or are too embarrassed to say they don't. Rather than ask "Do you understand" ask "What are you going to do?" or "How do you plan on accomplishing this task?" Listen to their response and make sure your assignment has been understood. Making Sure That Your Instructions Are Accepted Your instructions must not only be understood but also... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M130 Stop Sending Mixed Messages Think about what you ask of your staff members. Do you send conflicting messages? For example, do you: • Emphasize employee satisfaction, but expect employees to work so much overtime they miss family events? • Stress quality and customer service, but undermine them by cutting corners when you purchase supplies and equipment? • Encourage staff members to show compassion for co-workers' feelings, but criticize them for occasionally becoming emotional in front of you?... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M131 Lessen crisis management Keep crisis management from dominating your day. After putting out a fire, routinely go one step further by asking:
Then put a plan into place to avoid the crisis next time. Members can read this entire article by clicking here M132 Recognize good performance and deal with poor performance.If an account executive fails to meet a mutually established skill or financial goal, he or she is given a warning and an opportunity to improve. If that improvement is not achieved, the executive is given 60 days to follow a new strategic plan under the guidance of the sales manager. The new plan is designed to give the salesperson every chance to work, providing the salesperson is willing and able to follow the plan. If the corrective action plan works, the employee continues; if the plan fails, the employee is outplaced. As an alternative to following a new strategic plan, the salesperson can elect to seek another position during a specified period. Chances are that they will find a new position that matches their job skills. Once the decision between these two options is made, the employee has no choice but to improve or move. Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M133 “Take Action Before Hostility Festers” We’ve all heard of road rage and air rage, but the newest trend seems to be desk rage. Hostility in the workplace must be dealt with immediately. If it’s not, the results can be disastrous. Hostility can arise when complaints are ignored. Managers stall, thinking a disagreement will blow over. Meanwhile, employees grow resentful of management’s perceived neglect. Even when a situation doesn’t blow up, the damage to workplace morale and productivity can be harmful. Take these steps to defuse workplace hostility: • Interview those who are directly involved in a dispute, as well as any witnesses. These interviews, which should be done within a day or so of the complaint, are critical in gathering information. It’s important to ask open-ended questions, not assuming anything. Often what appears to be black-and-white can have many shades of gray. • Keep the... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M134 Word Count: 557 The Top 10 Qualities Of An Excellent Manager
n excellent manager taps into talents and resources in order to support and bring out the best in others. An outstanding manager evokes possibility in others. 1. Creativity Creativity is what separates competence from excellence. Creativity is the spark that propels projects forward and that captures peoples' attention. Creativity is the ingredient that pulls the different pieces together into a cohesive whole, adding zest and appeal in the process. 2. Structure The context and structure we work within always have a set of parameters, limitations and guidelines. A stellar manager knows how to work within the structure and not let the structure impinge upon the process or the project. Know the structure intimately, so as to guide others to effectively work within the given parameters. Do this to expand beyond the boundaries. 3. Intuition Intuition is the capacity of knowing without the use of rational processes; it's the cornerstone of emotional intelligence. People with keen insight are often able to sense... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M135 Word Count: 102 Productive Meetings Make your meetings more productive with these simple steps: 1. Project updates. Have each person give a quick one-minute report on the status of a project. Have them mention anything that is challenging that could hinder the completion date and ask for suggestions. 2. Follow the agenda. Have an agenda prepared for every meeting. Stay focused. Follow the agenda and leave time for pressing issues. 3. Focus on the most... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M136 Word Count: 270 Nurturing Creativity At Work
Good managers know that creativity is essential for the health and prosperity of the companies they work for. And therefore, good managers also know that their single most important job is to nurture creativity in those who report to them. There are three keys to nurturing creativity: 1. Always acknowledge the importance of those who report to you and their contributions. All people crave recognition and approval, and it’s a manager’s job to make sure that workers get this. Leaders are responsible for the morale of their departments. 2. Solicit the opinions of everyone in your department. Include everyone in your meeting, from senior members of your team... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M137 Word Count: 287 Influence Of The Responsive Manager The responsive manager tends to succeed by building bonds of respect and trust with those around him/her. Staff respond positively to responsive managers; they work more diligently, work to help the manager and the organization succeed, and will go the extra mile when necessary. That is because responsive managers act consistent with the principle that their jobs are to help their staff do their jobs. So, a basic inter-dependence emerges based on behaviors that show concern, respect and trust. Responsive managers also influence those above them in the hierarchy. Because responsive managers have the ability to read and act upon the needs of their "bosses", they are perceived as helpful and reliable, or in a simple way, very useful. This allows them to get the "ear" of people above them in the system, and further helps get things done when needed. Contrast this with the... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M138 Word Count: 267 Managing By Walking Around 21 ways to communicate with your employees
1. Include affected employees in goal setting 2. Give frequent and meaningful recognition for a job well done 3. Interact with employees on an informal basis 4. Go to staff’s work area, meet them on their own turf 5. Ask for staff’s opinions and listen with an open mind. Try to understand their point of view 6. Share non-confidential information with staff, and ask for their input and response on issues 7. Offset demoralizing actions and events by emphasizing what went well, and use the experience as a learning opportunity. Focus on the positive 8. Listen 80% of the time and talk 20% 9. Ask staff what rumors they have heard, and address them 10. Get into the “trenches” with staff. Look for opportunities to understand employees’ jobs better 11. Give... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M139 Word Count: 279 "Seven ideas for motivating the workforce"
ersonal recognition is one of the most effective ways of motivating employees toward top-notch performance. Author Don Martin offers these strategies: 1. Confer meaningful titles. It costs little to give an employee a title and provides recognition by making a statement within and without the organization. The key word, though, is meaningful. The employee and others will recognize when titles are hollow. 2. Build quality circles. This is a way of telling achievers that they have earned their way into a select group of Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M140 Word Count: 259 How to give clear instructions It is the responsibility of the supervisor or manager to give clear job instructions. When this happens, the task usually gets done properly without the need to backtrack--saving time, money, and hassles. Match instructions to individual employees. Strive to capture the style of each listener. Visual people will respond if you show them how to do the job; auditory people need you to tell them how to do it; and kinesthetic people may prefer a hands-on opportunity to learn as you monitor them. Explain the big picture. Let the employee know how a particular task dovetails into the vision of the company and contributes to its success. Set ground rules. Be sure to state your ultimate goal for the project and clearly define areas where the employee is responsible and accountable. Detail expected results and how they will be measured, indicate milestones to be reached, and deadlines that apply. Identify precise procedures to be followed. Pro... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M141 Word Count: 1274 Management Crisis One of the most important responsibilities in companies is that of manager. It is also one that is taken for granted. The typical manager has never had any formal training or development in management, has had no good role models, and was promoted to this position due to being highly ambitious, hard-working, strong in technical skills, and a long-time employee. Once promoted, they are expected to immediately take the reins. The consequences to companies of all sizes include: lost customers, employee turnover, lower productivity, overtime, work that has to be redone, and absenteeism. For the purposes of this article, let us agree on this definition of managerial responsibilities: Those in charge of managing a business are responsible for identifying business objectives, establishing a clear set of expected outcomes, creating policies and procedures to guide daily activities, aligning appropriate resources, and providing the development and support necessary to maximize the likelihood that expected outcomes are achieved. Case Study: Does that clear things up? Picture being a new manager (Charles) and reading that as your job description. Charles has been with the company in the finance department for five years and is the brightest technician they have seen in years. He will work 100 hours a week, is committed, ambitious, and is loyal to his boss. When his boss gets promoted, Charles is the... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M142 Word Count: 557 Knowing When It’s Time for Anger Management As a manager, you are forced to deal with a variety of problems everyday. Most cases are minor and have quick solutions. However, what do you do with the employee who is a constant problem? You know the type, the one who is always complaining, is irate, and causes trouble within your department? Are you quick to discipline in hopes that the problem will be solved, or do you look deeper and explore why this employee seems to snap at anything and everyone? Put each of the recurring events together, and look at the whole picture. You might be surprised to find that what this employee really needs, instead of another note in his or her file, is anger management training. How do you know when an employee might be a good candidate for anger management training? Some warning signs are relatively straightforward, such as being chronically irritable, impatient, short-tempered, argumentative or sarcastic. Fellow employees may report that there is frequent conflict, or increased tension or lack of cooperation. Chronic absenteeism or tardiness to work, may also be signs that something is wrong. Many companies are beginning to take steps to help employees deal with anger issues. A company’s HR department or one of their Employee Assistance Programs should have information on how to approach employees with possible anger issues, as well as places that offer anger management training. Keep in mind that anger management training is ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M143 Word Count: 647 More Than “Managing” During Change Change management is a hot topic. There are change management consultants, change management systems and coaches who help people handle change. With all of that expertise available, it can still feel like we are just barely managing during change. In some cases, those feelings are exactly right. Recently, I conducted a workshop within a worldwide organization. The folks in this organization had been put through an endless roller coaster of change in a brief period. The top leader had changed more than once, vice presidents and director level leaders had changed multiple times. The direction of the organization had changed 180 ° and then completely reversed within two years. Even the target market and preferred customers were constantly shifting. These folks had experienced change overload. Change overload occurs when employees spend 30% or more of their time on change related tasks. I imagine this company was way over that 30% mark. Surprisingly, the groups treasured their organization, and were amazingly committed. They desperately wanted to succeed. Until our workshop, they didn’t realize they had already won several key battles. The first battle of any change situation is harnessing a desire to succeed. These folks still were committed to success even after being spun around on a “tilt o wheel” of organizational change. They had the drive to move forward, the first big win! The second big win was their sincere appreciation for their staff and a keen interest in supporting staff needs. Most organizations spend time planning for system changes and little or no time planning for the impact of change on people. These mid-level managers did not have the authority to stop the roller coaster, but they had a sincere desire to minimize any unnecessary damage. They had a vital quality for leaders in change, a genuine concern for people. The third victory ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
B176 & M144 & L160 Word Count: 776 How To Run An Effective Business Meeting! How productive are your business meetings? Would you describe the culture that governs your meetings to more resemble World War III or crazy chaos? During a meeting, do you focus on the agenda at hand or do you concentrate more on breaking a foam cup into bits? Would you qualify eating all of the donuts in a meeting as a major accomplishment in your agenda? If these meeting scenarios sound familiar to you, you are not alone! Many studies have shown that more time is wasted in meetings than in any other business activity. It is estimated that people spend 20-40% (upper management is much more) of their time in meetings and that meetings are only 44-50% efficient (source: Steve Kaye). By improving the efficiency of your next meeting, you may increase your bottom line. The first step in improving the efficiency of your business meetings is to recognize that meetings are a collaborative effort. The very definition of a meeting is a TEAM activity where SELECT people gather to perform WORK that requires GROUP effort. All participants of a meeting, therefore, must play a role in remaining focused and progressing through the meeting in a timely manner. Before calling a meeting, it must first be ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M144 Word Count: 802 How To Manage Your Boss Many of us in the workplace today have become so accustomed to being “managed” in someway or another that we never think to turn the tables for our own benefit. We get caught up with deadlines and details and often lose sight of the fact that the employee /manager relationship can be a fruitful partnership. By simply recognizing that the boss holds the key to our success, we can begin to take those steps necessary to ensure success for both ourselves and our boss. To cultivate the most productive partnership, we need to continually assess and commit to the following with great precision and exceptional skill: 1. Understand self: what and who inspires you? 2. Understand your boss: both their needs and pet peeves! 3. Position yourself with the skills and qualities to win in any situation. Understand Self Ask yourself these questions. What makes you tick? Why do you do the things you do? What motivates you and what derails your enthusiasm? The answer to these and others will help to define who you are and why you do what you do. In most employee/manager conflicts, it is differences in work styles and values that cause a relationship to derail. One individual may pay considerable attention to quality and detail while another focuses on the big picture or the bottom line. Fortunately, it is possible to learn how to observe and predict these differences and adapt one’s style to complement that of the other person. Understand Your Boss Get to know your boss better. Pay careful attention to ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M145 Word Count: 503 80/20 Talent Management Do More of What Drives Business Success
erhaps better recognized as the 80/20 Rule, The Pareto Principle is essentially this: only a few key things contribute to the majority of results. Here are a few examples of how this applies to business situations: · 80 percent of results comes from 20 percent of efforts · 80 percent of revenue comes from 20 percent of customers · 80 percent of profit comes from 20 percent of the product range In addition: 80 percent of your business success relies on 20 percent of your organization’s talents. It’s deceptively simple, but an incredibly powerful insight. Maintaining a focus on how The Pareto Principle operates in your business will increase your success in many areas, including talent management. According to The Pareto Principle, if you and your employees apply ten individual talents each to accomplish your work today, those 10 talents will not all be equally effective. In fact, the 80-20 rule states that only 2 of your talents will account for 80% of your success. The other 8 will be much less effective. Identifying which talents are most productive takes a person a long way in achieving greater personal and professional results. Apply The Pareto Principle to Your Leadership Talent Everyone... Members can read this entire article here M146 Word Count: 695 We have all heard incredible tales from time to time of having to deal with difficult people in the workplace. As we listen to the antics of some, we also find that we may have a story or two to tell of our own challenging experience or difficult conversation with a seemingly unfair colleague. How many times have we been disappointed or aggravated by a difficult colleague? Although the stories may vary, all will tell the tale of an office mate or a manager who just doesn’t “get it” or “play well with others”. More often than not, when challenged or disappointed by those we spend most of our waking hours with - we often choose to retreat rather than address the unprofessional behavior. And although it is best to take the “high road”, there are consequences to doing nothing at all. Ironically, employees and managers (at all levels) will make deadlines, take on additional responsibilities and jump into any project as a great leader and team player. But when it comes to confronting a difficult employee or manager, they will either ignore the situation completely or more dangerous, go behind the scenes and broadcast the shortcomings of another individual and their own personal misgivings about them in hopes that someone will somehow catch wind and solve the problem and/or situation. Unfortunately, this approach usually backfires and leaves the “informant” with a poor reputation. It takes an ... Members can read this entire article here M147 Word Count: 519 How To Adapt for Success – Have you ever wondered why some companies are more successful than others in similar circumstances? What are these people doing right? What do the winners do differently? Only 2 companies out of 10 survive the first 3 years in business. Some of the survivors are doing business in a very competitive market; however, they have acquired specific habits and have established winning strategies, which make them successful. Are you looking for answers to these questions? A survey by Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas, a specialist in corporate transformation, shows the experiences from over 2000 companies. The outcomes achieved by survey participants are ranked from the most to the least successful, and the approaches of the “winners” or “most successful” are compared with the “losers” or “less successful” to isolate the factors that make a difference. The results suggest that most of the critical success factors are attitudinal and behavioral. Let’s look at some overall differences between the attitudes and behaviors of those people in key positions who fail and succeed at bringing about a fundamental transformation in their organizations. First, let’s examine the most prominent characteristic attitudes and behaviors of “less successful” companies. They are unsure and unaware of the needs of others. They are cautious and fail to inspire and motivate. Losers are also reactive. They respond to events and often fail to anticipate the need for change. They confuse operational with strategic business issues. They fail to notice what is important and the biggest opportunities for performance improvement. Next, let’s ... Members can read this entire article here M148 Word Count: 398 Providing Opportunities for Employee Engagement Employees who have a passion for what they do are practically self-engaging. In other words, they seek out reasons to stay engaged in their job and with the company. But what about those employees who aren’t quite as passionate, for whatever reason? The fact of the matter is that you can lead them down the road to engagement just by providing opportunities for them to do so. Many times, employees don’t need a reason to become engaged. What they really need is the chance to become engaged. Below are five ways in which you can provide opportunities to do just that.
Members can read this entire article here M149 Word Count: 298 Five Levels of Problem Solvers Managers, please understand that employees fall into one of these five profiles...what are the risks and
costs for keeping level 1 and 2's? There is some value in level 3 and 4's, but level 5 “Problem Eliminators” can save you money! Level 1: Problem Avoiders · Inherently blind to or in denial of problems right in front of them. This is especially true if they created it. They do not want to be associated with anything that could hurt their reputations. Level 2: Problem Identifiers · Like Avoiders, they can see ... Members can read this entire article here M150 & B206 Word Count: 251 Managing People For a Positive Environment With the beginning of a new decade comes the optimistic view of a brighter future for our businesses, family, and self. Focus on creating an environment that fosters a positive attitude and watch your employees become more productive. So how can you create that environment? Follow these 3 easy steps: 1) Focus on catching people doing things “right” instead of only saying something when they make a mistake. When you see someone helping a coworker or going the extra mile for a customer give them praise. 2) Start a “Wins” board. Create a ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here H178 & M151 Word Count: 510 The Two Main Keys to Hiring (and Managing) SuccessAll manner of strategies and theories are bantered about regarding the best ways in which to hire top talent, as well as the best ways to manage that talent once it’s on your team. However, if you were to boil all of those strategies down, you’d discover that there are two elements at the core of each one. (If they’re successful strategies, that is. There are plenty that are not.) Those two elements are engaging in effective communication and the setting of clear expectations. Actually, when you think about it, these elements are integral to success in just about any and every endeavor that includes human interaction . . . from the workplace to marriage. The fact that they cross such situational barriers is an indication of the importance that must be placed upon them when hiring and managing the best employees available. Hiring candidatesLet’s address the hiring process first, since it’s ... Members can read this entire article here B208 / M152 Word Count: 815 Want To Effectively Build Trust And Boost Morale? "The happier your people are, the better they are at what they do." Despite being one of the oldest business clichés out there, the previous saying also remains a universal truth that many company managers want to achieve. Good morale tends to have a domino effect, and when the manager's morale is boosted, everyone else will become more productive. However, in terms of sales boosting, everybody is required to be enthusiastic regardless of whether or not the manager is also joyful, which is another sad but universal truth employees are aware of. At any rate, morale and trust building throughout a workforce can be achievable through employee coaching. However, it's the kind of activity that must be done right in order to work; owners and managers alike should invest real commitment to this program in order to entice their workers to meet them halfway. As a side note, the results of morale boosting can serve as morale boosters themselves to business executives and supervisors too, so the importance of keeping your employees happy should not be underestimated. Morale and Trust Building Dos and Don'ts The wisdom of ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M153 / B209 Word Count: 526 Disengaged Managers Are A Leading Cause Of Disengaged Employees! In developing strategies for dealing with disengaged employees, one unspoken assumption is that “employee” means “front-line worker.” Certainly if there is disengagement, then the problem does exist in the trenches, and must be addressed. However, managers are also employees; and as such, they might also be disengaged. Worse yet, a disengaged manager is a leading cause of disengaged employees. How could a manager be a disengaged employee? Is there not a daily rush of adrenaline thanks to the stimulating meetings, the high-stakes decisions, the varied responsibilities, and the unswerving loyalty from within the department? First, is a manager an ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here M154 / L170 Word Count: 333 Developing Trust Will Boost Morale Trust is an essential part of good morale within any organization. If you don’t have trust within your company, chances are that your people are not as productive as they could be…. Or should be. Without trust often there is fear. Fear will hold your people back from trying new things, being innovative, and offering up ideas. Morale tends to be very low without trust and people may just do what is necessary to get by. Good performance starts with honest, open communication, and trust among the entire staff. Everyone must feel that their opinion counts and that they are free to ask questions. Plus words and actions must be congruent. No hidden agendas. If you say one thing and do another, people will believe your actions not your words. Morale will take a dive and people will stop believing what you say. As a manager, leader, owner, CEO, or president of a company building trust and boosting morale starts with you! Take these steps and start today. Give your employees / staff the ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here M155 / B212 Word Count: 487 Does Employee Disengagement Cost Your Company? Disengaged employees cost your organization money – but how much, and where does it show? Here are several areas where you can, and should, measure these costs. Disengaged employees do less work per day; they waste time by procrastinating or griping. An outside firm can survey your workforce, anonymously, to determine the level of engagement. One example: in 2008 Staffing World reported that, on average, American workers wasted 2 hours in each work day. To annualize this, multiply those lost hours by the number of working days in a year (about 200 days). To determine the annual cost, multiply that by the number of employees, times the average hourly wage in your organization. (Another approach to this calculation is to determine the wasted fraction of a work day. In the Staffing World report, this would be about 2/8 hours, or about ¼ of the work day. Multiply that by ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here M156 / H187 Word Count: 607 Moving High Potentials to Star-Performers Employees with the potential to become star performers tend to recognize their gifts from the get go through their better work output when compared to their peers. Of course, it's only natural for these possible model employees to feel a bit gypped or cheated if their bosses fail to realize their latent talent or skill. Many of them will immediately move to another company if they're not challenged, motivated, or recognized in their line of work. Then again, there are others who are willing to become long-term employees, but are then sidelined because their employers lack the insight to recognize how special they really are. As an employer, both of the above scenarios must be avoided at all costs because these high potentials are company assets that could prove useful to your company in the long run. As such, it's important for businesses to know how to search for and develop these prospective high-output employees in order to maximize their innate potential. If you fail to do so, then you'll be wasting assets right then and there either by providing your workers tasks way below their skill level, or by driving them out of your company altogether because of your inability to cultivate their talents. Identifying and Profiling High-Potential Employees Identification of high potentials can be quite tricky because of the ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here M157 / B213 Word Count: 612
Re-engaging managers to re-engage the workforce Why should managers need re-engagement? They are employees, and susceptible to the same forces that lead to employee disengagement. What role do managers serve in re-engaging the workforce? Executives do perform vital roles in setting the corporate framework, in creating the appropriate culture, and in communicating “from the top down”. However, much of the work in employee re-engagement is performed directly by the employee’s manager. What are the steps at the corporate level? The first step is to ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here C124 / M158 Word Count: 467 Mentoring Your Staff / Employees What better way is there to improve one’s working skills than to receive instruction from a seasoned senior team member? Mentoring is the perfect way to help your business take a giant leap up the ladder of success by providing this excellent means of personal and professional development. · How to begin: Post interoffice notice that your organization plans to make mentoring available to those who volunteer to participate. Provide detailed information that explains how the program works and appoint a committee to oversee the program and be available to answer any questions participants might have. Inform both staff members and mentors that each has an advantage by participating. Make it clear that the mentoring process can achieve improved performance and career enrichment. Staff members are able to develop their career goals through mentoring and mentors enjoy the benefit of fresh input and ideas from their charges. · Consider the perfect match: It is important to make good matches between staffer and mentor. Look for compatible personality traits and make sure each couple spends some time together before the final decision is made about who will mentor whom. The efforts will not be as effective if marked incompatibilities exist between your choices. Make sure your choices are conducive to mutual creativity and have similar work habits. Use your ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here M159 / B217 Word Count: 144
Managing Your Staff With Questions Asking questions is a great way to get your staff involved, motivated, and engaged in their daily jobs. If you make this a part of your daily routine you’ll be sending the message that their opinion really matters. In addition you may get some incredible ideas to help your company grow. * What part of your job takes too long? * Is there anything that caused you to waste ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here M160 Word Count: 681 Employee Management Techniques With an upturn in the economy, more companies are planning on hiring additional employees. Many will
be college aged students, young and fresh out of school. Most are eager and ready to jump into the workforce. Even more are grateful to have secured a job while the economy takes its time recovering. As an
employer, what are your techniques when it comes to training and managing a new team of employees, especially the younger generation? Characteristics of the Younger Working Generation Before you can begin effectively managing your new employees, you must come to an understanding of what makes them tick and what motivates them to work to their fullest potential. You may be wondering why this is an important step in management. The answer is simple. If you properly manage your employees, especially across generations, they will work harder and produce a better result which in the long run nets you a better profit. · Eager to Learn · Crave Affirmation of a Job Well Done · Better Motivated by Acknowledgment · Motivated by Educational Opportunities · Encouraged by incentives Characteristics of a Productive Manager for the ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M161-1111-What is talent management Word Count: 53 What Is Talent Management? American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) defines talent management as a holistic approach to optimizing human capital, which enables an organization to drive short- and long-term results by building culture, engagement, capability, and capacity through integrated talent acquisition, development, and deployment processes that are aligned to business goals. Members can read this entire article by clicking here M162-32912-Become a Great Manager-Leader Today Word Count: 419 Become a Great Manager / Leader Today
Always be willing to learn and improve yourself. A great manager sets the example for everyone. Staff notices when you strive for higher knowledge and greater achievements. They observe your attitude and emulate it to become better themselves. Managers often want their staff to take on challenges but may be reluctant to take them on themselves. Rise to the occasion and accept assignments that are more challenging. Continue to reach for higher goals. Work hard to move up the ranks of any business enterprise. Top managers also realize there is no room for fear when it comes to success. Embrace ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here M163-51612-Top Ten Reasons Managers Become Great Word Count: 445 Top Ten Reasons Managers Become Great
Being a good manager is not enough to make a business stand apart
from the competition. Great managers know how to maximize the potential of staff
members so businesses soar to success. Ten top qualities define a great manager:
Members can read this entire article by clicking here M164-51612-Become a Better Manager-Leader Today Word Count: 384 Become a Better Manager/Leader Today Every day presents another opportunity to become a better manager. Starting today helps your business become more successful tomorrow. There are basic ways to achieve goals and exceed your expectations.
Select the best qualified people for your team. Bringing in diversified talent creates a fusion of stellar ideas and experiences. Know how to motivate team members to bring out their finer qualities and develop them further.
Build a terrific team that works well together. Have staff members share their innovative concepts. Create an environment of mutual respect where people listen to each other and feel free to communicate. Provide training, encouragement and enthusiasm every day.
People look up to a positive leader who offers ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here H201-10112-Talent Management - Is the Investment Worth It Word Count: 438 Talent Management - Is the Investment Worth It?
What exactly is "Talent Management" anyway? That
is a good question. Millions are spent every year finding good people, yet,
sometimes when we find it, we do not always keep it. Talent Management is a
process designed to improve the performance of talent and keep it, once you have
it. That all seem simple enough, right? Wrong, it is much more complex than you might suspect. First, everyone knows how expensive it is, just to find the talent, much less grow it and keep it. According to a recent study by Deloitte, every percentage point increase in the turnover rate within the Big Four Accounting Firms costs from $400 - $500 million dollars annually. Second, talent management is complicated today by the retiring of the Baby Boomers and the emergence of the "Gen Ys." It seems that the Gen Ys are competent enough but they are not as willing to "pay their dues" as the Boomers were. As a result, organizations are scrambling to adjust everything from compensation to career development. Third, the cumulative ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M165-021714-Managing Your Former Coworkers Word Count: 946 Managing Your Former Coworkers
Suреrviѕing friends and former coworkers hаѕ thе роtеntiаl tо be оnе оf thе mоѕt рrоduсtivе work rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ that exists in thе wоrkрlасе. Sаdlу, thiѕ iѕ nоt аlwауѕ thе саѕе. Whether ѕuреrviѕing a lоng timе friend or being promoted to ѕuреrviѕing уоur рееrѕ, it iѕ сritiсаl that all new mаnаgеrѕ lеаrn tо overcome these four pitfalls.
Pооr Pеrfоrmаnсе.
Onе оf the mоѕt amazing dуnаmiсѕ whеn ѕuреrviѕing friends is that thеу оftеn will take you for granted, аѕѕuming that уоu will accept their poor реrfоrmаnсе because оf уоur rеlаtiоnѕhiр. In fасt, it оftеn occurs that whеn thе new manager iѕ a friend; thе еmрlоуее begins tо lеѕѕеn their own standards оf реrfоrmаnсе. Whether thiѕ iѕ done intеntiоnаllу or nоt, you must аddrеѕѕ it. Thе grеаtеr рrоblеm is in thе response you receive whеn рооr реrfоrmаnсе iѕ аddrеѕѕеd. Often, new mаnаgеrѕ fееl that their rеquеѕtѕ are ignored by friends thеу ѕuреrviѕе. If thiѕ iѕ a new ѕuреrviѕоrу relationship, it is аbѕоlutеlу сritiсаl that уоu have a mееting in which уоu сlеаrlу lay out thе еxресtаtiоnѕ in thiѕ rеlаtiоnѕhiр. Thеу need tо know that for their ѕаkе (ѕо other's will not gоѕѕiр аbоut them) and for your ѕаkе (ѕо уоur tеаm will not lоѕе rеѕресt for уоu and уоur authority) that you must trеаt them the ѕаmе аѕ every оthеr member оf уоur tеаm, and that thе реrfоrmаnсе standards аѕ well as thе diѕсiрlinаrу ѕtаndаrdѕ will remain соnѕiѕtеnt.
Vоiсing Your Own Negative Fееlingѕ About thе Orgаnizаtiоn or Your Suреrviѕоr.
Whether уоu are at work, a соmраnу function or hanging out at friend’s hоuѕе, whеn you bесоmе a ѕuреrviѕоr, there iѕ ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
M166-062615-Manage Effectively And Lead Decisively
Word Count: 470
Manage Effectively And Lead Decisively
Being a manager is a major responsibility. The success of your business is largely due to the way you lead your staff. Employees that are not guided well can not be as efficient as needed. As a leader in the company, here are some things you are charged with.
Be a Confident Decision Maker
Making decisions with confidence can be a huge hurdle for some managers. This does not mean that you should charge ahead and make decisions without properly thinking it through. For big decisions, be sure you seek out the council of mentors or other successful business owners in your field.
When it is time to make a decision, you should be confident in what you choose. When you are not confident, it will show to your staff. This can cause them to have less faith in you and a hard time following your lead.
Create and Execute a Definitive Business Plan
It is up to you to create a plan for the way business is conducted. This takes a person that is able to ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
B316-031517-How To Boost Staff Morale Word Count: 356 How To Boost Staff Morale
When you run a business, there are a lot of challenges that you will face. Bringing on great employees is definitely a difficult thing to achieve. What might be even more difficult is keeping those individuals happy in their job.
It is very important that you invest in the staff and do things that will boost their morale. If you have people that are unhappy in their job, they will find other places to work.
Here are some great ways that you can boost staff morale.
Find Ways to Thank The StaffEveryone needs to be ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
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