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Sales Articles Index The use of these articles are for our clients only. You must have permission from Sorrell Associates to use these articles in any format. We add articles to this page constantly. With over 4000 articles currently in our archive it will take some time to get them on this page. Keep checking back. Want to submit an article? Click Here
S101 Qualities Of A Sales Professional
tudies have shown that outstanding salespeople share certain traits, whether they run their own business or work for someone else. According to Jim Cathcart, well-known speaker and author of Relationship Selling: The Key to Getting and Keeping Customers, whether people are professionals isn't determined by the business they are in, but by the way they are in business. Sales professionals:
S102 Sales - Closing Tips Body language that means it’s time to close Professional closers wait until
their customers are "hot." Then, when the timing’s right, they strike, and the
customer willingly agrees to buy. Suggestion: It’s time to close when the
customer: Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S103 Closing lessons from a waiter To improve your closing
technique, go to a busy restaurant for lunch or dinner. Notice how your waiter
acts. He or she fearlessly asks for your order: Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S104 Motivating Reps to Prospect MoreWould your salespeople sooner undergo a root canal than search for new prospects? It’s time to address the issue. Prospecting reluctance generally falls into one of three categories: 1. Effort. Salespeople
believe their efforts should lead to measurable results. So when prospecting
becomes difficult, it’s easy to say, "I’m no good at it," or "I just don’t know
what I’m doing wrong." When salespeople believe these things, they won’t try
very hard. Remedies: Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S105 Six little words that close sales The idea of "closing" brings with it many myths. Most of them are leftovers from an older, more manipulative school of selling. You may have learned many "tricks" to close a sale. But if you’re still looking for a good closing method, try this suggestion from consultant and Xerox sales trainer... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S106 Eyes on the Prize Bill Kelley, Entrepreneur Selecting a sales manager is not as easy as many entrepreneurs think it will be. It's natural to believe that your best salesperson will make the best sales manager, but this is seldom true. Instead, you need to look for a "student of selling." That will be someone... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S107 Cold Calling Techniques Secretaries and assistants often give you hints about what kind of person they work for – if you know how to decode the clues. In your contacts with gatekeepers, remember the following: • The more timid a secretary is about doing something for you (e.g., tentatively scheduling a conference call), the more private – and perhaps domineering – the boss is likely to be. The secretary may fear... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S108 3 Steps To Better Sales Questions First make a factual statement that is not in doubt. Second, make a personal observation that reflects your experience with the factual statement. This creates credibility. Third, ask an open-ended question that builds on the first two steps. Example: You're selling office copiers. Step 1: "You know, Mr. Prospect, copies are a key part of any business, but they tend to be taken... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S109 Sales Professionals Cold Calling Technique How do you convince a cold-call prospect to stay on the line and listen to you? After you introduce yourself and get prospect’s attention, ask this question: "Would it be possible to have just one minute of your time today?" Why? This question communicates respect for your prospect’s time in two... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S110 8 Rules For Getting Through When You Call 1. Ask for help from the switchboard operator. 2. Start from the top down if you don't know the decision maker. 3. Give as little information as possible... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S111 ABC Selling One of the simplest and most effective ways of quickly increasing sales is to use the ABC Method. Many top sales people say this is the only method they use. And it gets sales fast! ABC stands for: Always Be Closing. From the time you meet the prospect until you get the sale, keep your sites on the close. You never know at what point in your conversation your prospect will decide to buy. Some people like to make their decision quickly. Others need plenty of time to consider before they make a buy. When writing web site copy or a sales letter,... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S112 Tips For Telephone Selling The Internet revolution has only increased the need for telephone marketing. Many of the largest e-commerce sites ask for your phone number, then have a room of expert telephone sales reps call you for the big pitch. Why? Telephone selling works. Here are some simple tips that will boost your effectiveness on the phone. **Try to go directly to the person who can authorize a purchase for your product or service. **When you get the decision maker on the line, jump into a concise... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S113 Selling New Ideas Do you sometimes feel that you have lots of good ideas that will benefit your customers but you have a hard time getting new ideas and approaches accepted? Changing a customer's mind and getting them to accept new ideas can be a great challenge. Try these approaches to get their attention:
S114 The Selling Arena A lot has changed in recent years in all aspects of business. A lot has changed in the field of sales and it continues to change at an even faster pace. What sold out last year may not sell at all this year. Last year's status symbols may be this year's discount items. We've changed. Today's salesperson is better educated, more knowledgeable and more concerned with success than ever before. Your buyers have changed. Today's buyer is smarter, better informed and more experienced than ever before. In a growing number of industries, sales decisions are being made by a number of people, often at different levels in the organization. A large part of success in sales today is being able to identify who your buyer really is. An influx of more and better competition means that the differentiation between products is always changing. More and more the determining factor in why a customer buys is not the product superiority, but the salesperson's superiority. Today's buyers are not... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S115 Active Listening For some reason, many people believe that the ability to speak articulately is an important prerequisite to achievement. Without downgrading the importance of good speech habits, it would do us well to upgrade the importance and quality of our listening habits. Disreali noted that "Nature has given us two ears but only one mouth." This may be nature's way of telling us that listening is vital to our personal growth and development. Active listening is the complement to good questions. Volumes have been written on the art of public speaking, how to deliver exciting speeches, and even how to exercise your vocal cords in order to have a pleasant voice. But little has been written or presented on "how to listen for understanding." If we agree that empathy and understanding are important traits, then we realize too,... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
Lasting Impressions
Despite investing time, money and effort to train salespeople, many managers
find that training programs fail to make a lasting, visible impact on sales
figures. While the sales training program itself is important, it's only as good
as the manager who chooses it, participates in it and reinforces it for lasting
benefit. Diane Hessan, executive vice president of The Forum Corporation, one of
the country's leading sales training companies, offers managers a 10-step plan
to enhance and reinforce learned skills before, during and after training.
Hessan's plan can help managers turn short-term training investments into
long-term sales profits. Before Training Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S117 KNOW YOUR LIMITS By Lisa Gschwandtner Is it a mistake to show clients your weaknesses? Not necessarily. Jennifer Borislow, a member of Top of the Table, an elite membership that is granted only to high-level performers in the insurance industry, says identifying and acknowledging your weaknesses is an important part of building credibility. “I learned the hard way that I can’t be all things to all people, and that I need to be able to delegate what I can’t do,” says Borislow. “So I focus on my strengths and I delegate my weaknesses. I am not the right person to manage money under a portfolio. I’m not an asset manager; I’m a benefits specialist. Today I stay very focused on what I do well, which is life insurance, estate planning and employee benefits. I believe in being very focused on your strengths and not being all things to all people.” Don’t be afraid to share your weaknesses with customers. High-performing salespeople use... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S118 15 THINGS A SALESPERSON SHOULD NEVER FORGET 1. That it takes facts, not fancies to sell these days. 2. That figures speak louder than words and are easier believed. 3. That a 10-minute demonstration is often worth more than an hour of talk. 4. That few salespeople ever got rich leaving their samples or briefcases in their cars or at home. 5. The harder customers are to sell in the first place, the harder it will be for a competitor to take them away from you. 6. That a good... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S119 Make the sale with these tips
When dealing with clients, you should remember that many factors figure into their decision to use your company’s products or services. So why not show them that you offer the best solutions to their problems? Keep these tips in mind when you deal with new or potential clients and your sales will increase: · Be knowledgeable. Become an expert in your business. Know your company’s products and services and the history of their development. Your knowledge of your company will show your clients that you pay attention, do your homework, and that you really care about what you are doing, selling, or representing. · Don’t limit your area of expertise to your company alone. Get to know your clients’ businesses as well so that you can understand what customers want and need. · Keep your relationships fresh. Many clients say... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S120 Sales Tip of the Week Why Sales Managers and Business Owners find it so Difficult "to Teach an Old Dog New Tricks" Many business owners and sales managers we speak to seem to have a common problem or theme that comes across when we first meet with them: Their frustration with having to go over the same sales issues and obstacles that impede their company's growth with the same sales people continually. By the time we speak to them they have jumped to the conclusion that you cannot teach an old dog a new trick. Many business owners spend the majority of their time pulling their hair out over why certain people just won't deal with certain objections, hold margins, fail to call at the top, or over those who simply don't call at all! Regardless of management's approach to rectifying the problem, whether through motivation, coaching, new techniques or financial bonus structures, the results, or lack thereof can often be attributed to a number of factors. The primary reason certain sales people, regardless of the help or training they receive, do not apply their sales knowledge translating their efforts into sales productivity is because of subconscious filters. Subconscious Filters We all have subconscious filters. Subconscious filters essentially allow us to assimilate what we like, what we agree with, what we are comfortable with and what goes along with the routine we have developed during the course of many years of doing what we do. Although sales people, may on the surface agree and convey their understanding of why certain strategies or techniques are necessary, they simply do... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S121 Word Count: 234 Sales Calls --TIPS
*** Follow Up *** Follow Up ***
Follow Up *** Follow Up *** 1. PLANT REASONS FOR FUTURE CONTACTS. At the end of a sales call reiterate what it is you will be doing, and what it is the customer will be doing, before your next meeting. Every follow-up call should begin with a strong link to the previous call. 2. AVOID MONOTONY IN YOUR FOLLOW UP. Use post cards, handwritten notes, email, voice mail, personal letters, clips of newspaper articles, etc. to show your customer that you are a creative and dependable partner. 3. ADD VALUE TO THE RELATIONSHIP. While most salespeople think that adding value is something you give the customer in exchange for the purchase, top salespeople know that the best way to create more sales is by adding value to every communication with the prospect. 4. BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. Successful salespeople follow a plan. Organize yourself and write each follow-up step into your planner. Don't ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S122 Word Count: 292 Dramatically Improved Sales Begins By Being that Red Jacket in the Crowd of Gray Suits In 2003, the Small Business Administration reported that of the 5.7 million firms in the United States only 17,000 firms employed 500 or more employees. Small business accounts for 99% of all businesses. In other words, there are a lot of gray suits standing on the same corner with you trying to get business. Your challenge, if you decide to accept, is to discover how to make yourself unique among all of those gray suits. Or better yet, how can you be the one bright red suit in that crowd of gray? Take a moment to visualize yourself being that bright red suit. Look around. How do you feel? You may be feeling pretty good, but also telling yourself "it’s just picture in my mind", " It’s not real." But, yes, it is real. Your... Members can read this entire article by clicking here S123 Word Count: 499 How To Maintain A Positive Attitude Many sales professionals know that a positive attitude is a key element, perhaps the most important element, to success in sales. Even though they know this, most sales professionals find it extraordinarily difficult to maintain a positive attitude all day, every day. The reason? Most likely because they believe that their attitude is the result of external circumstances rather than something that is within their control. Here are some tips to help you stay positive: 1. Create a new definition for yourself of "external circumstances." You might think that hitting a few red lights on the way to an important meeting with a prospect could be seen as "bad luck" and put you in a bad mood. Definitely not a mood you want to convey to your next potential client! However, if you... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S124 Word Count: 304 Top 10 Actions to Building a Stronger Sales Team 1) Clear communication. Use the KISS method- it does not have to be complicated to line out exactly what is expected of them daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. 2) Motivate your current sales team with incentives, rewards and, most importantly, acknowledgements of a job well done. In many of my interviews with dissatisfied sales professionals, they lament the fact hat their achievements are not noticed nor seem to matter. 3) Praise in public, criticize in private. 4) Promote from within. Nothing motivates current sales team members than knowing they, too, can be promoted when they prove themselves worthy. 5) Be... Members can read this entire article by clicking here S125 Word Count: 812
Influencing Skills Whether in a position responsible for selling your company’s product and/or services, or in a position that requires you to sell ideas to your staff or teammates, we are all in sales all of the time. Since we work in an interdependent world (one where we have our own duties to do independently, but we are dependent upon others to do their part) it is imperative that we hone our Influencing Skills, for we cannot be successful without others. Your ability to influence others is directly proportional to your ability to succeed in sales, both inside and outside of your organization. Most of us think that to influence another, we must manipulate, cajole, or force them to acquiesce. But this could not be further from the truth; for we know that the opposite is actually true. In order to influence someone, I must first let them influence me. Philosophers and Psychologists for centuries have studied the human being, and we know that we are creatures of habits. These habits make us efficient in that we can do much throughout our day without thinking about it, such as driving a car, tying our... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S126 Word Count: 675
Rare, Medium, or Well-done? In today’s world of educated, well informed buyers, there are distinctions worth noting related to sales professionals being over-prepared, under-prepared, and adequately prepared. Over-prepared -- Over-preparation is an emotional issue, usually a problem for people who unknowingly have perfectionist desires. The mindset is, “I have to be prepared for every question. I have to look as if I know exactly what I’m doing. I have to offer information in the correct sequence. If I don’t, the consequences may be dire.” Such people often think that selling is offering information--”selling is telling.” They read, read, read, study, study, study, and with the client too often talk, talk, talk. These people make for great seminar attendees. They can’t seem to learn enough. They become walking encyclopedias, but too often dispense very little that relates to the person who is right in front of them. Proverbially, they spend 20 minutes selling something and an hour buying it back. The over-preparation issue is so critical to today’s sales force effectiveness, that it is now considered one of the 12 forms of ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S127 &H138 Word Count: 843 Hiring A Top Salesperson In these highly competitive times, it is necessary to stock our sales force with the very best performers – the all-stars. The creation of a world-class sales force is not only desired, but necessary for long-term prosperity. Replacing one salesperson could cost your organization between 1.5 to 5 times the fully-loaded salary of that individual! Wanting to create a world-class sales team that stays the course, what should you be looking for? Should you hire salespeople that have been to every sales training program ever offered to man? Might it be people who have set records at all 10 stops along their career path? Could it be people with impressive resumes? Would you only hire the smooth talkers? Good looking people? Those hot-shots with fancy cars? Should you only hire people with knowledge of your industry? I have seen many sales managers hire new salespeople based on their industry knowledge only to have these new recruits fail miserably. These “recycled” salespeople are known for ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here S128 Word Count: 767 What Salespeople Can Learn From Political Campaigns. You are probably asking yourself, “what do sales and political campaigns have in common?” Think about what politics is – it is all about selling. Everything a campaign and candidate does in public relates to selling the campaign. What is the campaign selling? The tangible product is the candidate, but more importantly, the real product is an intangible idea the candidate is promoting. People buy that idea with their vote. That is how profit is measured in the political world. What exactly are you selling? Is it just a tangible product, or is it more? So why should you trust me on this subject? Well, let’s just say I’ve worked on campaigns from the federal level on down. I have taken a great deal of what I learned in politics and applied it to my coaching business. This leads us to lesson one – think ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S129 Word Count: 287 Avoid Absolutes and Empty Claims Real salespeople don’t tell lies, so be careful about offering absolutes. Although Toyota is one of my clients, I find it helpful to ask other audiences I address the following question: “How many of you have the number one Toyota dealership in the country, located right in your town?” Nearly all of the hands go up. “Isn’t that amazing? You each have the number one Toyota dealership in your town. How can that be?” Then we discuss what being “number one” could mean. Does it mean that the dealership has the: * Greatest number of car units sold? * Largest lot? * Highest profitability? * Most inventory? * Most salespeople? * Most customers? Best or biggest -- Similarly, when you see a claim Biggest Dealer in ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here S130 Word Count: 291 15 THINGS A SALESPERSON SHOULD NEVER FORGET 1. That it takes facts, not fancies to sell these days. 2. That figures speak louder than words and are easier believed. 3. That a 10-minute demonstration is often worth more than an hour of talk. 4. That few salespeople ever got rich leaving their samples or briefcases in their cars or at home. 5. The harder customers are to sell in the first place, the harder it will be for a competitor to take them away from you. 6. That a good territory was made ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S131 Word Count: 456 Create Value With Prospects Sales
ow do you compete in your marketplace? Are you seeking to sell high volume at low prices? Or, are you creating value for your product or service? If you compete solely on price, chances are your company will not be able to survive long term. The Champion Salesperson understands that great salespeople sell high volume and high margin. One without the other is a recipe for disaster. One of the keys to success in selling high volume and margin is the ability to establish value with prospects. Value is the perception a prospect has regarding your product or service. Value can be defined mathematically as the perceived benefit over perceived costs and price. Creating value starts with belief in your product or service and the ability it has to satisfy your prospects’ needs. Before walking into the prospect’s office, do research and find out as much information as possible about your competition, the prospect, and the industry. Armed with confidence and knowledge, you will be able to create value. The value you create with prospects is not dictated by what you tell, but by what you ask. So many salespeople try to talk their way into value creation. Value is determined by the prospect, not the salesperson. So then, asking the right questions will allow you to understand what the prospect perceives as value. Remember, you cannot learn if you are talking. Your questions should be ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S132 Word Count: 343 Measure Your Activity Sales
n old performance management tenant states, “When performance gets measured, performance improves.” The truth of this statement is revealed over and over. We see time and time again in the sports world how records continue to be broken. The reason for keeping records is so comparisons can be made to top performance. The same holds true for the Champion Sales Person. The first step in setting up your measurement system is to determine what is important for you to measure. What sort of activities should you be measuring? The answer is ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S133 Word Count: 354 Sales Tip Sales Tip Sales Tip Sales Tip Sales Tip Develop Trust With Your Prospects A Champion Salesperson in the 21st century will need to make a paradigm shift beyond “old school” selling philosophies. One of the things that “old school” selling teaches is a salesperson should be liked or approved. To be successful in the 21st century, the Champion Salesperson has to go beyond being liked or approved to being trusted. Prospects buy based on their perception of how well the benefits of a product or service satisfies their needs and wants. In order to get an understanding of the prospects needs and wants, you have to develop trust. Therefore, one of the keys to closing more sales is to develop trust with your prospects. First, you have to know the difference between needs and wants. While much debate has occurred on this subject, the difference is: needs are fact-based and wants are ...
S134 Word Count: 338 Prospecting; A key to sales success! There is an old axiom: “you have to hunt where the ducks are.” This is especially true in selling. If you do not have a pipeline filled with prospects, you are not putting yourself in a position to sell very high volume. The Champion Salesperson recognizes that the lifeblood of sales is prospects. Before you can begin developing prospects, there are a couple of things that need to be defined. The first step in prospecting is to understand what a prospect is. A Prospect has to meet three criteria: 1. they have a need for your product or service, 2. they have the ability to make a decision, 3. they have the ability to pay for your product or service. If you are talking with someone and you don’t know if they meet all three criteria, you are talking with a suspect. At one point all prospects were suspects. The key here is that you need to find out if your suspect qualifies as a prospect. If not, move on. Don’t waste valuable time on people that will not buy. The next step in prospecting is to ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S135 Word Count: 502 Sales, Success, and Goals! 90% of people in direct sales set goals but never reach them! Why? We have seen from surveys, experience, and observations that many sales people set goals for themselves and/or business but never reach them. We want to reach the goal but often seem to fall short. · Is it a lack of motivation that is keeping us from achieving the goal? · Maybe are goals are not congruent with our values and beliefs. · Are the goals too easy or unrealistic? · Are the goals our own? · Do we have a written plan on how to achieve the goal? We need to have clear answers to each of these questions. If we do not, we’ll probably have difficulties achieving the goals.
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Word Count: 107 Exceptional SALES
Competent confident salespeople have some attributes in common that they use as they move through the sales process. This SALES acronym will help you to keep focused on your prospects and close more sales.
Solutions - Show how your product or service will help them achieve their desired results.
Advantages – detail and demonstrate your product’s
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S137-041216-Crucial Elements Of Success In Sales Development Word Count: 407 Crucial Elements Of Success In Sales Development
Not everyone is cut out for sales positions. If you are in a business that relies on team member’s ability to drive a sale, then it is in your best interest to understand the qualities of successful sales members.
Passionate, Driven, Motivated
In order to be successful in sales it is important for you to have individuals that are passionate, driven and motivated. They need to be self-starters that can go out there and make the sale.
You need people that desire to sell your service or product and are willing to do what it takes to get the job done. These people are driven individuals that want to be successful. They know their success is based largely off the success of your business.
Those that are ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S138-12916-Challenges in Expanding Sales Word Count: 383 Challenges in Expanding Sales Maybe you started out your business with the hopes of growing at a certain rate each year. Now that you have been going about business for a few years, you realize your sales are not growing like you had hoped. In order to be successful in your goals, you need to focus on certain things. A Profit Plan is Vital to Company GrowthIn order to reach the sales goals that you make, you must have a good profit plan for the business. Ask these questions as a starting place: Do you monitor cash flow in the company? What is the company’s operational plan? Is there a marketing plan for the company? When you have a good idea of what you are ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S139-071017-How To Scale Complex Selling Strategies With
Sales Integration
Word Count: 427
How To Scale Complex Selling Strategies With Sales Integration Sales teams face a variety of daily challenges. However, one that really deters their goals to beat their quotas is the sheer volume of systems that they have to use. In order to be successful, you’ll need to analyze data and set priorities based on what you learn.
When sales teams have to visit multiple sources to obtain this necessary info, their task becomes quite daunting. It takes time while sales and closing ratios slow down. Therefore, sales integration is essential in order to enhance sales cycles and improve closing.
Sales Integration Makes Things SimplerCompanies with long sales cycles and numerous decision makers need help with simplifying their processes. Customization of products and services tends to warrant sales integration which helps companies increase their win rates and save time. If you integrate ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
S140-021318-Why Top Salespeople Leave, Stay and Join a Company
Word Count: 425 Why Top Salespeople Leave, Stay and Join a Company At some point, every company struggles with how to secure top talent and get them to stay for the long haul. There are some common reasons for why the best salespeople leave, stay, and join a company. Consider the following and perhaps change your strategy in order to attract and hold on to the best candidates. Reasons to Join Your Team
People that are in sales want to keep things simple and a package that is overly difficult will not be a perk for them. They want a plan that simply rewards their efforts as they drive sales. Top performers want something clear and straightforward.
If you have a top candidate on the hook, then they most likely know others in their network that would benefit your company too. Offer ... Members can read this entire article by clicking here
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