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Time Management Tips

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Word Count: 206

Time Management –

A Priority Setting Plan

Manage your time better by dividing tasks into four categories:

1. Direct value. High priorities: making a sale, presenting to your staff, writing a report.

2. Indirect value. What pays off later: learning new….

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Word Count: 77

Save Time

You can save time by going to lunch at an off hour. Instead of going to lunch from 12pm to 1pm. Try going to lunch between 1:30pm and 2:30pm. The crowds…

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Word Count: 229

"How to manage your reading time"


eading business and management literature is a key ingredient to a successful career. Try these strategies to shoehorn more reading into your busy schedule:

Prioritize your reading. Separate time-sensitive memos and reports into an "urgent" box and set aside a time at the beginning of the day to do this important reading.

Read via the Internet. Take advantage of quick news services and online wire services and newspapers. Set up a "filter" to...

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Word Count: 557

Organizing your paperwork.

We must all be efficient and productive in today’s business world.  Being organized helps you handle tasks quickly so that you have more time and space to do what you truly want to do.

1.             One-time mail system.

Have an In Box on your desk for new mail/information. Look at your mail once a day.  Review each piece of mail once to decide whether to ...

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Word Count: 202

Dodge hidden time killers

Gossipy colleagues, constant meetings and e-mail distractions eat up your precious time. But don't overlook these less obvious threats to your productivity:

·         Stewing over criticism.  A co-worker makes a snide crack about your performance, and you drop everything to call a few friends and express your pain. Eventually, you get over it-after wasting an hour writhing in anger.

Solution:  Realize it's not worth worrying about, say "Thanks for the feedback" and move on.

·         Playing the good Samaritan.  Your well-intentioned efforts to help out can leave you overworked and ...

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Word Count: 557

Stop Managing Time To Achieve Goals

By Patricia Haddock, Author and Speaker Special To Smart Business Supersite

Are you using your time efficiently? Do your actions support your goals and job requirements? Checking items off a to-do list is less important than performing tasks and activities that support you. Doing a lot is less productive than doing the right things. In order to get what you want, you need to produce results. You do this not by managing time, but by investing it to produce the highest return. By adopting the following strategies, you will save time, reduce stress, and create more of what you want. You cannot fail. You can only succeed and achieve more than you ever dreamed possible.

·         Each week, review your goals and link them to your activities for the week. This habit will keep you on target.

·         Ask yourself if...

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Word Count: 784

Tick, Tick, Tick

Thinking Successfully

by Eric A. Sohn

Is the demand for your products outstripping the supply? Well, you can always hire more staff. Do you want to purchase capital equipment or expand your office…if only you had some money? Bankers will probably fall all over themselves trying to extend you credit.

Are you working 20 hours a day, 7 days a week? Oops!

With apologies to Albert Einstein, time is the one resource that doesn’t expand. Yet, the efficiency focus in small businesses is on cutting costs and headcount.

It’s quite curious, really. Imagine what could happen if we could save 10% of a standard 7-hour workday. We’d have 42 more minutes available each ...

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Word Count: 203

Successful Daily Habits


ake it a habit to end every working day by doing these things

Clear you desk. Never leave your desk messy. Put everything in a file or to-do folder and in a designated spot. You will start each day off on a positive note. (An uncluttered desk) This will also help to keep you organized and possibly prioritized. (You'll get tired of seeing the things you haven't finished in your to-do folder and finally do it to get it off your mind)

Reflect upon the day. Ask yourself some questions and evaluate yourself.

§         "Did I accomplish a goal today-and did I record it in my goals accomplished journal?"

§         "Did I spend my time wisely today?"

§         "Am I moving closer or farther away...

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Word Count: 200

Making the Most of Meetings

Meetings can be very effective for maximizing time, or they can be tremendous time wasters! More than 11 million business meetings take place each day in the U.S. and many, as you know, either go longer than necessary or are not needed at all.

If you are in charge of a meeting, here are some ways to make it more productive for all involved:

1. Always have a written agenda with copies for all attendees.

2. Spend time in preparation.

3. Define and write up topics to be discussed and distribute your notes a day before the meeting, along with a...

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Word Count: 565

Developing Time Conscious Attitudes and Goal Oriented Habits

The first step in changing any habit is to identify the that habit you want to change. This is true for your time attitudes as well. Establish a period of time in which to analyze situations, your attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes. Evaluate your present time use. Take time to record exactly how you spend your time. This is usually an important discovery process. Most people have a very inaccurate understanding of how they actually spend their time.

Pinpoint precise behaviors that are incompatible with your vision, goals, and values. For example, if your goals are to do well in your job, which might mean getting promoted and getting a larger salary, but you keep making commitments to friends and family that keep you from doing really well at work, your behavior is not in line with your senior goals. If you learned as a child that the approval of others was important and you find yourself regularly agreeing to do more than you can handle well, your behavior is understandable, but may also be self defeating. Examine your attitudes and early conditioning to determine if a change in your thinking might well be useful. If you want to achieve outstanding success, but you put in minimal hours and exert only average effort, your behavior is inconsistent with your goals. Either ...

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Word Count: 803

“Time Wasters”

Tips for getting the most out of your day


any of us wonder why some days aren’t as productive as we intended them to be. We work hard but still have unfinished projects or our to-do list grew instead of shortened.

Here is a list of some identified time wasters.

The Telephone

We spend about 2.5 hours each day on the phone, averaging 12-14 calls a day. About 20% of this time is wasted. The most common culprits are wandering calls, long distance weather reports, forgetting some of the important issues, or calling every time we think of the next topic. On average, an unplanned call takes 5 minutes longer than one that has been planned. Planning can be as easy as spending 30 seconds to outline what you want to say. Without those few seconds you're wasting an hour a day.

As for incoming calls, 68% of phone interruptions are less important than what they interrupted. We have been trained since childhood to answer the phone when it rings. Instead, block some quiet time to concentrate.

Lack of Priorities

We accomplish the most when we know...

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Word Count: 790

Overcoming Procrastination


n any endeavor, there are barriers everyone faces at one time or another. Perhaps the most common one is a stalling tactic that you may call upon either consciously or subconsciously - procrastination.

 You may remember it from your high school or college days, when students thought it was “cool” to put off regular study and then “cram” the night before the big exam.  You may recognize it in a spouse or relative who talks about Christmas shopping for months and then lets it all go until December 24th.  And you may even take comfort in the fact that procrastination is a habit of the masses.  One look at the post office lines on April 15th is enough to confirm that fact, as everyone tries to file tax returns before the stroke of midnight.

Procrastination is the habit of needlessly putting off things that we should do, (or say we want to do) now.  Procrastination can be caused by negative attitudes or fear of failure.  It can be rooted in our own inertia, or as a result of lack of planning.  It does more than almost any other habit that we have to deprive us of...

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Word Count: 379

How To Have Effective, Productive Meetings


ow many times have your heard people say “I spend too much time in meetings to get anything done” or “I just attended another wasteful meeting”? (Maybe you have said something similar yourself?)

Make the most of every meeting for you and your staff by assigning roles and responsibilities for everyone involved.

If everyone knows their role and responsibilities your meetings will become more effective, efficient, focused, and successful.


The leader is the one who:

s         Set’s the agenda

s         Selects the participants

s         Makes the announcements and has all preparations handled

s         Makes sure everyone knows theirs roles and responsibilities

s         Starts and ends the meeting on time

s         The leader can express opinions and provide information throughout the meeting.

Meeting Attendees

Every person in the meeting has their roles...

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Word Count: 168

 How To Calculate The Cost Of Your Meetings

Have you ever wondered how much your meetings are costing you?

Take a moment to calculate the costs of your meeting by using the four questions below.
You may be surprised by the amount it is costing you to hold those meetings.

  1. How many members on average attend your meetings? ________

  2. What is the average annual salary of your group members? ______

  3. On average, how many hours do your meeting last? ______

  4. How many meetings do you attend per week? (Average) ______

 This number does not include employee benefits.

 Now consider the loss...

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Word Count: 537

The Top 10 Ways To Organize Your Paperwork


e must all be efficient and productive in today's business world. Being organized helps you handle tasks quickly so that you have more time and space to do what you truly want to do.


1. One-time mail system.

Have an In Box on your desk for new mail/information. Look at your mail once a day. Review each piece of mail once to decide whether to do it, delegate it or dump it. If it adds value to your business or is required for doing business, do it or delegate it. If not, then dump it. If you keep it, then categorize it using the A, B, C system. Use your time wisely.

2. Categories for performing your work.

Set up desk trays labeled A, B, and C. Items in category A must be handled today. Category B items must be handled this week. Category C items are generally filing that must be kept because they have some value, such as invoices, tax returns, and statements.

3. Prioritize your work within categories
A and B.

Sort the categories into...

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Word Count: 168



If employees could be more productive for just one half hour per day, the savings in lost time is amazing. Consider increasing productivity by: teamwork, better communication, better work styles, taking action quickly, resolving problems, or being accountable. If 10 employees were earning $28.00 per hour, you would gain $36,960 per year, if the employee actually decreased their non-productive time by one-half hour per day.

How can you increase employee productivity for 30 minutes per day? Take a look at employee competencies within your organization. What skills contribute to productivity? What systems contribute? What hinders productivity?

Common things we see when working with organizations are:

·        Slow problem solving or decision making

·        Poor time...

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Word Count: 152

“Streamline Your Tasks”

You can save time by grouping administrational tasks throughout the week. Here are some strategies:

Making phone calls – Create a list of the people you need to call daily. Make all of your calls at one sitting. Once you get started, each call becomes easier and more efficient. Schedule your calls early in the morning, just before lunch, or at the end of your workday.

Reviewing/Reading - Whenever you leave the office, take some reading materials along with you. This way, when you are waiting for an appointment, waiting in line, or stuck in traffic, you can use this time to go...

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Word Count: 598

Time Management

During the past month I heard a number of people who have brought up the same issue over and over:  Time management.  Questions like:

“How can I be better focused so I can handle all the things that come my way every day?” 

“Is there a better way for me to manage my time?” 

“My company seems to want me to do more with less!  How do I do more with less?”

“It seems impossible to manage home, kids, work and a life.”  Can you help?”

Sound familiar?

I call these questions, CHAOS management questions.  We only have so much time.  We can’t add more (unfortunately.)  During the time we have each day, we each have a level of energy that we can use and allocate to our advantage. 

If we understand and utilize the energy we have to achieve what is important, we can better manage and enjoy the chaos that is delivered to us each day. 

Let me give you an example.  If you have a 75-watt light bulb, are you going to get 150 watts of light from it?  Of course not, the bulb only has 75 watts to give.  If you have a 150-watt light bulb in a lamp, can you expect it to light all the rooms in a 3 bedroom home?  Of course not, it will do an excellent job in one of the rooms and you may see the shadows of the light in other rooms, but some of the rooms will never see that light – nor would we expect this. 

In order to best use our energy, we need to understand how to keep a consistent energy flow and what choices we have to keep from draining our energy.  Here are some exercises to ...

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Word Count: 748


Are You Obsessed By Time Or Lack Of It?

The world today seems to be obsessed by time – and the ubiquitous perception that there is not enough of it. There are prepared meals in the supermarkets and drive-through pharmacies. There is article after article on time management and news segments that boast to give us the latest and greatest time saving tips on just about everything.

But rather than looking at tasks and activities as time consuming, we should instead study what we are doing and analyze what our time consumption has actually yielded.

The other day I was walking the shoreline with my niece searching for coveted beach glass. As these pieces are difficult to find, each becomes a special treasure. As we were well into our search, my niece found a very small piece and said “Auntie Al, this piece is too small to keep.” I thought about what she said and replied, “But it still fills the vase, Courtney.”

And when I thought about it a little more, I found that I actually ...

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Word Count: 234

Time Management Tips

Moving Paper

Paper…it comes in the mail, on the doorstep as news, in our “in” baskets. We buy magazines and books. We even find paper flying from our windshield wipers as we approach our cars in the parking lot.

One way to keep paper to a minimum is to do something with it the first time you handle it. If it’s not important, throw it away right now. If it’s something you need to give your attention to, put a note on it, and file it in one of your four organizing files: Immediate, This Week, Next Week, or When I Have Time. This way you’ll ...

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Word Count: 776

Highly Effective Time Management

By changing how you think about your tasks, you can create a better return on investment for your time

Do you have more to-dos than time in your day? Is lack of time preventing you from reaching more of your goals? If you had more time, what would it mean to your business, your finances, your family – your life? No one is given more than 24 hours a day. How then do some people accomplish so much while others drown in incomplete to-do lists, missed deadlines and unmet objectives?

Effective time management is the process of ensuring that all of your time is spent in activities that move you closer to your goals. What you do is far more important than how quickly you do it.

The bottom line; how you spend your time determines your success. The most successful business leaders and entrepreneurs invest their time very carefully.

Those who develop effective habits for time management create a competitive advantage. The secret is understanding where that time is best invested and developing systems, processes, behaviors and habits for effective use of time and priority management.

Change Your Attitude

To change results it is necessary to change behavior. Significant behavior change requires a change in perspective or attitude; in other words, how you think. Effective time habits require effective time attitudes. Think about your time as a limited resource to be invested rather than spent.

Know What You Want

Make a ...

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Word Count: 700

Investing Your Time

One of the greatest lessons in time management can be learned when you realize the difference between “spending time” and “investing time”. The dictionary defines “spend” as: to use up, exhaust, consume. If you spend, you have no return. “Invest,” on the other hand, is defined as: to spend with the expectation of some satisfaction, of obtaining an income or profit.

Contrary to many other areas, with time, many people spend far more than they invest. Most of us talk about wasting time, but spend inordinate amounts in frivolous activities that do little or nothing to propel us towards our life achievement. For some reason, we don’t have the same attitude about time as we do with money, electricity, food, even something as insignificant as paper clips. Most of us are trained not to waste paper, to turn off the lights so that we don’t waste electricity, both at work and at home. Yet we continue to treat our time ... precious moments of our lives, that once spent, can never be retrieved ... as if we had an inexhaustible supply.

We have a funny relationship with time. We have a funny relationship with money. It's strange how we link the two of them. There is a saying that we hear all the time: "time is money". Time isn’t money. In case you think that time is money, let me be the first to tell you that time is not money; time is time and money is money. They are very different. The problem is that ...

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T127-050313-Time is on my side….

Word Count: 450

Time is on my side…. Yes it is! 

In today’s environment, we must do more with less. Each person is working harder, expected to do more, and all with fewer resources. IE: not enough help, need more supplies, not enough time, etc…


So time management is vital and critical when having meetings. Unfortunately, many of the attendees view meetings as a waste of their time. Often they turn into complaining sessions with little or no direction and / or a reason for the meeting.


You, as the leader, must take control of the meetings and make sure they have a purpose, objectives, and are time bound.


When scheduling a meeting, it may be helpful to remember the acronym POT.


Purpose - define the purpose of your meeting. Why are you having a meeting? Send the ...

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T128-091913-Organizing by priority

Word Count: 306


Organizing by priority

A time management skill to help you be more productive.


Get in the habit of organizing and prioritizing your day. You will become more productive. This is a proven simple way to saving time, being organized, and increasing productivity.


Before leaving the office for the day, or first thing the next morning, make a list of everything that needs to be done.


Next, prioritize your list.

Give each one an ABCD or E priority mark.


A - Must be done first – very important. Serious consequences if you do not get it done. Often this is a task you don’t want to do and have procrastinated to get done. Think about the sense of accomplishment you will have once it is complete. In addition, you get to check it off your list.


B - A ...

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T129-011216-Time Management Strategies

Word Count: 459

Time Management Strategies

In order for companies to be successful, time needs to be managed properly. When schedules are run properly, more work can be accomplished in a day. The faster the work is done, the more a business can increase their revenue.


Lead From the Front


Leaders are the forerunners for change in the business place. It is important that you get a good grasp on time management before you implement a plan of action in your company.


Start work early in the day. Statistically, you will accomplish more if you start earlier. Create a reasonable timeline for the day. Be sure to give yourself extra time to accomplish each task.


Make the distinction between being busy and being productive. Commit to ...

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