Elite Advisory - February 2006 Newsletter
Elite Advisory
Volume 6 Issue 2

Inside This Issue

The High Performance Work Force

Effective Communication

Motivational Quotes

Upcoming Events


The High Performance Work Force

By Ryan Scholz President, Leadership Strategies Associates

People can make a difference in the profitability and success of an organization. This is the conclusion reached in two recent books I have read – Peak Performance by Jon Katzenbach and Hidden Value by Charles A. O’Reilly and Jeffrey Pfeffer.

Katzenbach characterizes a high performance workforce as follows:

  1. A large number (more than a third) of employees consistently exceed the expectations of their leaders and customers
  2. The average worker performs better than the average competitor worker
  3. A strong emotional commitment to higher standards and aspirations is reflected across the workforce
  4. The collective performance of the workforce is a competitive advantage and is extremely difficult to copy

What then, is the secret to developing a high performance workforce? The answer is simple – leadership. In sports, we see a new coach take over a team with essentially the same players as the year before, yet produce dramatically different results. We can look close by to the University of South Carolina and Lou Holtz to see a vivid example. In business, as in sports, leadership that can have dramatic impact on the performance of the team. I have personally seen examples where two groups of people from essentially the same population perform dramatically different. Although the answer is simple, the implementation is difficult. The key to unleashing the potential of people is to get the emotional commitment of the workforce to the goals and needs of the organization. This only happens when the personal needs of employees is balanced with the needs of the organization. It takes a lot of time and effort to make the change necessary to achieve a cultural change. It begins by developing an attitude within the organization that people matter and can make a difference.

Is your organization achieving all that it can? If not, are you blaming the people or are you looking at the leadership capability in the organization? Could another “coach” achieve different results?

The good news is that leadership can be developed – it is not inherited. Anyone can become a better leader.

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  • Effective Communication
  • As we think about our everyday life we find most problems occur because we have failed to communicate clearly with someone. If we take a moment to think about why, in almost every case, we find that someone did not listen to what was said. This holds true in sales as well as in our personal lives.

    If we are to have effective communication with each person we talk with we must "Tune the world out and the person in". This action allows us to build rapport and trust much quicker with the person, to whom we are talking. The more trust between you and them, the more openly they will share information. The rapport and trust you have will only increase if you follow this simple action guide each time you communicate with people.

    The following are 10 do's and 10 don'ts that will improve your listening skills and overall communication.


    • Be patient
    • Make eye contact
    • Take brief notes of key points
    • Offer nonverbal and verbal encouragement (facial expressions, head nodding, 'mm-hmms')
    • Read between the lines for the emotional message - wants, frustrations, etc.
    • Allow for periods of silence
    • Let the person speak as long as they want
    • Ask clarifying questions at the end
    • Summarize what's been covered
    • Assume you haven't understood everything correctly
    • Don't...

    • Half-listen, filter or selectively listen
    • Make assumptions about what clients mean before they say something
    • Jump to conclusions
    • Be too eager to talk about your solution
    • Agree too readily, without hearing the customer out
    • Interrupt
    • Finish the client's sentences
    • Daydream
    • Take so many notes that you never look up
    • Click your pen, tap your fingers or otherwise distract the customer or yourself

    Being courteous and attentive when you are communicating with people always allows them to share more detailed information and feel good about doing so.

    Practicing these tips and following an action plan for twenty one to twenty eight days will make it a habit for you. Once you do this automatically your sales will increase and day-to-day communication with everyone will improve.

    Regardless of how well you know someone, show them you really care, actively listen "Really Listen" to what they say each time you talk to them.

    Source: Billy Williams, President of People Development Company, Silver City, NC.

  • Motivational Quotes
  • The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.
    ~Vincent T. Lombardi

    Leadership has less to do with position than it does with disposition.

    The only real failure comes when you stop trying.
    ~G. Sorrell

    People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.
    ~Earl Nightingale

  • Upcoming Events
  • Goal Setting Seminar
    January 19, 2006
    6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

    Starting on February 28, 2006
    6 weekly sessions
    from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

    Liderazgo Activo (Spanish)
    Comenzando el 23 de Febrero, 2006
    6 sesiones semanales
    de 6:00 pm a 8:30 pm

    Executive Leadership
    Starting on March 7, 2006
    7 weekly sessions
    from 8:00 am to 11:30 am

    :: For more Information eliteadvisory@eliteadvisorygroup.com
    :: Visit or Website at http://www.eliteadvisorygroup.com
    ::Call us at 305-779-3049

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    Use this coupon for a free 1-hour consultation with any one our coaches to discuss any of the topics discussed in this month's newsletter. Call now (305) 779-3049


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