Setting the pace as the leaders in customized newsletters, blogs, & marketing services! |
Do you have it…? How do you know? You quite possibly have the competitive advantage within your
people / staff to drive your company to the next level. Leadership and the spirit of leadership may exist within your company, but how do you take advantage of and / or inspire your people to recognize,
utilize, learn, and develop into incredible leaders? It starts with you! If you are not a great leader it is hard to inspire leadership within others. If you are a great leader… what is it that makes you the leader that everyone wants to follow? If you think about the traits of a great leader, you will quickly notice that all (or most) of the traits are learned and developed. Leadership characteristics like: Being a good communicator, creativity, sincerity, leading by example, good decision making skills, listens to others objectively, being open minded, having a positive attitude, hiring the right people, providing direction, focus, commitment, and determination are all skills, traits, & characteristics that can be developed. There are other characteristics that are important too… this is just a small list of some important traits. Think about someone you hold as an excellent leader. Think about how this person relates to others, the specific skills, behaviors, traits, & characteristics that they possess. Now write down all the characteristics that you find admirable. Do you possess all of the same characteristics? Of the ones that you don’t possess, are they learned & developed? Does this give you an action plan for self development? Could you use this exercise for developing leadership within your company? Your role as a leader is to provide the vision, direction, goals, values, framework, resources, and long term direction for your company. It is also to inspire & motivate others to give their best. A great place to start is by getting your entire staff into the spirit of leadership so they too can help your company be successful. Having well organized methods to help you develop yourself and your people into great leaders, and utilizing mentors & coaches to keep you focused is a method of success. Start today! ~ Written by Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Since 1995, Sorrell Associates has been producing proven effective customized newsletters, blogs, and marketing programs. We offer these powerful marketing products/services in order to help you achieve your dreams and goals through an effective proven communications tool. Contact us today to see how we can put your marketing on auto pilot. 740-824-4842. PS – sign up for our Free Newsletter and receive 3 Free Special Reports…Instantly. Click here. The use of these articles are for our clients only. You must have written permission from Sorrell Associates to use this article in any format. We add articles constantly. With thousands of articles currently in our archive, and new articles written consistently, it will take some time to get them on this site. Keep checking back. Want to submit an article? Click Here
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