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B228 Word Count: 631 Improve Employee Satisfaction by Understanding Your Employer Brand
The Effect Unhappy Employees Have on a Company Brand In regards to the aforementioned faltering economy, employee morale and overall satisfaction in the workplace has suffered. Budget cuts, layoffs and stringent money saving strategies are seen as a threat by many employees. They have stood waiting on the sidelines witnessing adjacent departments being downsized and their once loyal, hardworking counterparts getting laid off. This leaves them feeling unappreciated and under-valued. Not feeling valued and feeling under-appreciated leads to a decline in performance and productivity. This can spell disaster for your company. It is imperative to maintain a healthy employer brand throughout any hardship, not only economic. When it comes time to begin hiring new employees, a poor employer brand name can lead to insufficient numbers of applicants and in turn under trained and unqualified persons of interest being hired. In addition, the once loyal and valued employees who feel they have been abused and mistreated may be preparing to find jobs elsewhere. You have spent time, money and other valuable resources training your employees. Do you really want your hard work to be the result of your competitors gaining an advantage from your employees? Improving Your Employer Brand Name There is good news amidst the economic recovery and wavering employer brands. You can improve your brand at any time. When implementing a course of action, it is of utmost importance to consider why someone would want to work for your company. Take steps to ensure your company is attracting the right candidates for employment and give them a reason to want to work for you.
Measure Your Brand Before you can implement a strategy to improve your company brand, you must fully grasp what your brand is lacking. Where and why is your brand suffering? Where does your brand stand? - Conduct an employee satisfaction survey: Satisfied employees mean your company brand is in tip top shape. Dissatisfied employees mean your company brand needs serious attention and fixing. - Remember an employer brand needs constant attention: Not all employees are going to be satisfied 100% of the time. Your company must constantly implement new ways to keep its employees happy and do so in a consistent manner. - Learn where to focus your efforts: A competent survey will tell you what your employees value the most. This is an effective means of showing you where to make improvements to your brand and where to focus your efforts. If your employer brand is suffering then do something about it. It is never too late to turn things around. Make a strong and honest effort to show your employees you value and appreciate them. Need articles / content for your
newsletters, blogs, or website? Contact us today! Written specifically for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected worldwide. All rights reserved. Start Using Our Newsletter Service Today! Since 1995, Sorrell Associates has been producing proven effective customized newsletters, blogs, and marketing programs. We offer these powerful marketing products/services in order to help you achieve your dreams and goals through an effective proven communications tool. Contact us today to see how we can put your marketing on auto pilot. 740-824-4842. PS – sign up for our Free Newsletter and receive 3 Free Special Reports…Instantly. Click here.
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